Project Status: Bid Mgmt

Set Price: $87.55
Sheet Price: $1.95
Beaverdam Creek Trunk Sewer - Phase 2
The Project consists of the design and construction of a gravity outfall along Beaverdam Creek West Branch. This outfall is a tributary to the existing Beaverdam Creek Lift Station and Force Main. Phase 2 is approximately 2,000 linear feet of pipe and will continue from the anticipated Phase 1 West Blvd extension north to a terminus near I-485. This project will accommodate economic growth in the River One area by expanding the wastewater collection system.

Listed Company: Charlotte Water
Pre Bid Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024 2:00 PM
Bid Due Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024 2:00 PM
Location: Beaver Creek West Branch  View a Map of this Location
City: Charlotte
State: North Carolina
Plans: Available
Specifications: Available
Job Purchase Information: Non-refundable
Addendum Purchase Information: Non-refundable
Job/Project #: FY25-ITBCON-03
Bid Location: Charlotte Water-First Floor Conference Room: 5100 Brookshire Blvd.; Charlotte, NC
Pre Bid Location: Microsoft Teams
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